Best Science Fiction Websites for Writers

Of all the fiction genres, sci-fi— aka speculative fiction— stands as the one most likely to inspire creativity. Sci-fi buffs are die-hards. Sci-Fi authors are required not just to do world-building, but to do universe-building. Now, that’s real escapism. That’s why we love science fiction so much.

It is an amazingly broad genre (covering everything from post-apocalyptic fiction to sweeping space operas), but it also helps satisfy some of that curiosity that fuels our imagination.

To write science fiction, a background in science is not mandatory, but it is helpful. Moreover, science-based sites are here in the best science fiction websites for writers. However, do not write hard sci-fi without at least a rudimentary grasp of physics and science. Hard sci-fi writers must have their facts right; readers demand that of them.

If you’ve chosen sci-fi as your genre to write in, here are just some of the best online resources to help you navigate the nuances of science fiction. There are lots of great resources out there, but these are ones that I think are the most useful and I’ve used many times myself.

Here are the best science fiction websites for writers…

sailboat on glassy sea heading toward milkyway

Science Fiction Research Websites:

astronaut in empty field

Space & Robotic Resources:

  • The US government agency NASA’s website provides a wealth of information and inspiration sources for SF writers. There are also separate site sections on Mars exploration, the International Space Station, and much more.
  • Find inspiration through images and videos of space, along with the latest breaking news regarding space at Space dot com.
  • The Academy for Future Science is a non-profit corporation that examines new scientific discoveries. You can find fascinating information on the latest space exploration discoveries.
  • If you plan to incorporate robots and Artificial Intelligence into your novel, NASA’s Robotic Alliance Project provides basic information on AI and additional resources.
star wars alien piloting a spaceship

Science Fiction Writing Websites:

person sitting silhouette with light around them

SF Magazines Open Submissions:

There are lots of great places buying speculative fiction these days. Here are some professionally paying science fiction magazines and markets taking submissions. 

Wired magazine cover next to a camera

Science Fiction Writing Associations:

astronaut standing in front of control panel shaped like a honeycomb

There are lots of great resources out there, but these top science fiction websites for writers are ones that I think are useful and I’ve used many of them myself. However, don’t forget Wikipedia either, as it has really gotten pretty good on a lot of scientific and sci-fi topics, or, which has clips from a lot of good documentaries.

For more inspiration, check out Top 15 Tips for Writing Sci-Fi.